A new version of the IDE is available via the update site and has a zero installation download now. The main reason for this release is that I could finally track down the bug in creating the disk images for Apple II. 


  • Automatic creation of ".DSK" disk images for Apple II works correctly.
  • The dirty indicator in Graphics Editor is now updated correctly.

New detailed documentation section, "Annotations for Compiling".

  • Add com.wudsn.ide.asm.hardware for compiling with different target platforms.
  • Add com.wudsn.ide.asm.mainsourcefile for compiling complex projects with included files.
  • Some more annotations are planned for the next release.

New and extended FAQs:

  • How do I associate my source file extensions with the correct editor?
  • Why do I have to put ";@com.wudsn.ide.asm.hardware=..." in the source file?
  • How do I compile into disk images?
  • How can I use other emulators?